Benny Urmston came down for 3 days right after new-years to help me get started on rewiring. Thanks Benny! The boat has 2 electrical systems 120v AC like your house and 12v DC like your car. In an attempt to simplify and reduce our energy use we are removing all the AC lighting. we will leave several AC plugs so that we can plug in tools etc when we have an AC power source. The DC system, which powers the radios, GPS, pumps, and lights will be overhauled with a new distribution panel and new wires where necessary.
Above is the existing electrical fuse panel. It was rusty to the point that you could just pull terminals from their bars in a little rust explosion! Benny and I spent hours with our heads in every little nook and cranny to identify all the wires.
We carefully labeled all the wires that run to every corner of the boat. Many thanks to Benny for his methodical tactics and company!
A close-up shot of the hole in the engine. Because the engine is so rusty throughout we are now shopping around for replacements. Benny also helped hoist the engine out through the hatch in the bow and down to the ground where we hauled it over to his truck and took it up to Plymouth. That sucker is heavy!
Also some great news! NOLS awarded us a Instructor Development Grant. Nadine, Benny and I applied to a fund for instructor expeditions and they awarded us the maximum grant amount! This will help offset the cost of a new engine. We are considering naming the new engine Twinkie in honor of Evan Horn who is NOLS training manager in charge of the IDF grants. Thanks NOLS!
Yeah, IDF!